Why You Can’t Find a Nanny

Finding the right nanny for your family can be an overwhelming process. You may receive messages from candidates who suddenly stop responding with no discernable reason. Or, you receive zero responses and can’t figure out why no one is interested.

Here are some common mistakes many families make that can sometime limit the amount of nannies interested in working with them.

A Bad Schedule

The standard 9-5 jobs generally have no issues being filled. Many nannies are desperately looking for consistent full time schedules. However, it can be much more difficult to fill a part-time nanny position. Many families work from home these days and prefer schedules like Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. While that looks good on paper, it is a very inconvenient schedule for most nannies.

If nannies are looking for part-time work, it is typically because they have a second job or they are in school. It would be very rare to find a family just looking for a Monday/Friday nanny. If nannies are in school, taking three days out of the middle of the week when they may have classes is incredibly inconvenient.

If you are looking for a part-time nanny, it is best to consider having an alternating schedule. Have a nanny come Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so they can supplement with a Tuesday/Thursday job. Or have a nanny who comes in the mornings, so they can have their afternoons free for classes.

Not Enough Hours

At Wilco Nannies, we require part-time positions to start at 15 hours a week. One of the reasons we do that is because of how difficult it can be to find a nanny interested in less than 15 hours. Many families only see themselves needing a nanny for a single day of the week. For example, maybe they have a consistent meeting on Fridays and simply need a nanny for that time. With few exceptions, nannies are looking for a job as a form of income. So keep in mind, that it will be very difficult for a nanny to pay any bills on less than 15 hours a week. If you are finding you only need care for less than 15 hours, consider looking for a drop-in daycare instead.

Not Enough Pay, or Paying Weekly Rates

Inflation has hit nannies and babysitters too. If you have good hours but still aren’t receiving a lot of interest, consider raising the pay. Another option is to offer nannies extra perks like gas reimbursement or a year-end bonus.

Many family prefer to pay a weekly salary. Unfortunately, that is a giant red flag for a lot of nannies. Some families who pay salary instead of hourly use it as a reason to over work their nannies without fair compensation. Nannies can get stuck working 60 hours a week or spending their working hours cleaning, for little pay.

Also note that, generally, household employees in the state of Texas must be paid an hourly wage.

Wanting to Start Short Term and Then Extend

It can be nerve wracking as a first time parent allowing a stranger in your home to watch your child. Many parents think a simple solution is to post a job asking for a nanny for a few weeks or months. Then if that time period goes well, they want to extend the job for a year. The problem with this idea is that if you post a job for only a few weeks or months, many nannies will pass it because they are looking for long term employment.

It is a much better idea to post how long you intend to have the nanny in your service. Then schedule a trial week with a nanny to make sure it is a good fit. It does not take a few months to know if your nanny will work within your family. If it is a good fit, you will know immediately!

Too Little or Too Much Job Detail

When posting your job, it is important to post just the right amount of information to get the right people interested. The most important things to post are your general location (zip code or neighborhood), how many children, ages of the children, hours, and pay. Forgetting any of these items could cause nannies to express interest and then stop responding when they realize it isn’t enough pay or is too far of a commute.

Many families like to post as many details as possible. Unfortunately, to many nannies, this can be a red flag of a micro-managing family. Keep specifics for during the interview process. Those details are all important and appreciated by your nanny. But in a job post, keep it simple and include the most important details.

Looking for a nanny can be very overwhelming and time-consuming. Here at Wilco Nannies we want to take all the stress and pressure off of your shoulders. Let us weed through the candidates and find the best nannies for your family!

What Should be in Your Nanny Bag

When Mary Poppins placed her carpet bag on the table and pulled out a lamp, we knew she came prepared! While the average nanny and babysitter don’t need to pack an entire room in their bags, here are some great items to bring on your next job.

Things for you!

Your nanny bag should always have items you might need while you are in someone else’s house. Packing and extra set of clothes can be a lifesaver. We know kids are the best at getting messy! Many of us childcare workers have come to home to realize we have Cheerios in our shirt, or stickers on our pants. You never know when food, paint, glitter, water, or bodily fluids might get on your clothes and make for an uncomfortable drive home.

There are some items that are always good to have on hand when you are spending your day or evening at someone else’s house. Bring your phone charger so you will always be able to stay in touch with the family and call someone in case of an emergency. If you have any emergency medicines, such as an EpiPen, be sure to pack them. Do you wear contacts? Pack some extra contact solution or your backup pair of glasses.

For those of us working late nights or babysitting on Friday evenings, there can be a lot of down time. Consider packing some quiet activities to do while the children are asleep. While watching the TV is always the easiest option, we’ve all been in situations where we don’t know how to work someone else’s TV. And no one wants to be the person that breaks it! Bring a book, your own tablet, something to knit, or anything else you can sit and do quietly until the parents get home.

Things for the kids!

If you are a crafty nanny, have some ready to go crafts in your bag. Simple projects are always the best. Pack some string and beads to make necklaces. Try some stickers, paper, and crayons to make fun pictures. Try these print outs on how to make paper boats and airplanes! 

Sometimes a single item can lead to a night filled with fun. Bring a flashlight and do all kinds of activities! Make shadow puppets or trace shadows on paper. Grab some bubbles from the grocery store! Or make some homemade bubbles with the kids. 

If you are a baking nanny, bring some ingredients for simple recipes to make. Did you know you can make slime with just glue and baking soda? Or fill some sandwich baggies with ingredients for mug recipes! These are easy and quick for kids to make.

Not much of a crafter or baker, bring your favorite board game or childhood book. Kids love to see other things people are interested in. Pulling out an old game or book they may have never seen before can be very exciting! Be sure that all items are age appropriate.

What not to bring!

As excited as we can get to show our kiddos fun things to do, there are some items that are always good to keep at home.

Never bring anything sharp, such as scissors, or anything that could potentially stain, such as nail polish. If you are with children under four years old, stay away from items with tiny pieces that they could swallow.

Always check with the family to make sure there aren’t any items the children might be allergic to, or that are against house rules.

Never bring headphones to a job. It seems logical to put in headphones while the children are sleeping so you don’t wake them up. But it is always safer to be able to hear everything going on in the house in case of emergency.

A “Bad Weather” Plan

While Texas weather is like spinning the prize wheel at a carnival, we typically don’t have the type of weather that causes cancellations.  However, since most of us are survivors of Snow-mageddon in 2021 and Tree-pocalypse of 2023, planning for potential bad weather has become a necessity.

While bad weather can stop families and nannies from going to work, it doesn’t stop bills from being owed.  It is important to discuss with your nanny a policy for days with snow, floods, or power outages.  Whatever you and your nanny decide, always get it written down in a contract.

Define “bad weather” with your nanny.

Sometimes small ice storms can wreak havoc on our Texas roads.  And sometimes a huge storm early in the morning is gone by the afternoon.  When defining what you consider bad weather to your nanny, the roads should be the primary concern.  If emergency services are asking people to stay off the main roads, your nanny should not be required to drive to work. 

A good rule of thumb is to check with your local school district about cancellations.  If your local school has cancelled classes for the day, your nanny may not be able to come to work safely.

Consider your nannies location and your location.

Very rarely do nannies live in the same neighborhood as their nanny families.  While your neighborhood may be dry as a bone, your nanny’s neighborhood may have been hit hard by a storm.  It should be noted in the nanny’s contract that if the schools in her area are closed, she may not be required to come into work.  If you have to have your nanny come in, consider they might have their own children who’s school has been cancelled.  Be sure to establish your rules on the nanny bringing their own child to work for these days.

Consider your own job expectations.

Many of us are lucky enough to work from home and are not expected to drive in bad weather.  But if you are a person working as a doctor, nurse, police officer, etc you will most likely be required to come into work.  Make sure that is expressed to your nanny upon hiring, as well as in writing.  If a nanny understands they are expected to come in, no matter what the weather, they can plan accordingly.

Letting the nanny spend the night.

Families know their job expectations better than anyone.  If you have very important meetings, or have a job that requires you to come into the office, seeing if the nanny is willing to spend the night can be the perfect solution.  It is very important to have good rules and expectations set for when a nanny spends the night.  Do you have an appropriate place for them to sleep like a guest bedroom or an office?  Will they have access to their own bathroom?  Should they bring their own food?  Also always consider if the nanny has their own family or pets who need their attention.

Is it guaranteed minimum hours or paid time off?

Guaranteed minimum hours refers to the minimum number of hours a nanny is paid during a given week.  These hours should be paid even if the family asks the nanny not to come in to work for any reason, such as the nanny family is going on vacation.  Paid time off refers to days the nanny asks to take off.  With these parameters in mind, bad weather days should always be included under guaranteed minimum hours.  Nannies are not asking for these bad weather days off.  They are being forced to have them off due to outside circumstances.

Above all, the safety of everyone should be at the forefront.  If you wouldn’t put yourself in any kind of danger, you should never expect your nanny to put themselves in danger.

What Kind of Help do you Need?

When looking for help with the kids and the house, it can be hard to identify the right job title.  Many people look to hire a babysitter, but realize they need help in other places of their home.  It is always good to have clear job expectations for whoever is coming into your home.  A babysitter is great for a Friday night date night, but shouldn’t be expected to do the children’s laundry.  A nanny is great for making sure your children are completely cared for, but shouldn’t be expected to clean the house.  It can all get very confusing.  Here is your guide for what type of care you need.


A babysitter works for a family sporadically.  They may come for a date night on a Friday one week, and the following Thursday for a parent-teacher conference.  Their main expectation should be entertaining and keeping an eye on the children.  It can be normal for a babysitter to cook dinner or help with bedtime routine.  But you should want your sitter’s main focus to be playing.  Babysitters are not expected to perform any domestic tasks besides minor ones for the children.


A nanny is hired by a family to work a consistent schedule.  Their main priority is to care for the children.  This can include things like the children’s laundry, meals, appointments, classes, homework help, and bedtime routines.  When it comes to household upkeep, the nanny’s main role should be keeping the children’s areas tidy and cleaning up after themselves in other parts of the house.  Nannies are not expected to perform any kind of household care or upkeep for the family unless explicitly asked and put into their contract.

Mother’s Helper: 

A mother’s helper mainly focuses on household help before focusing on children.  They are asked to do more domestic chores such as grocery shopping, laundry, pet care or anything related to the home.  While childcare is a part of their job description, it typically is not the main focus.  Mother’s helpers can be expected to do things like pick up the children from school and watch them for short periods of time, but typically children are not with the mother’s helper for the majority of their work day.  Mother’s helpers are great when you have older children but still need some full-time help.

Household Manager: 

A household manager is expected to do everything!  All children and household related items fall under their care.  Household managers not only will grocery shop, do laundry, and take care of all the children’s needs, they can also make appointments for maintenance and repairs in the home.  They keep the household running in every facet.  A household manager is comparable to a personal assistant.  However, their main focus is helping the entire family instead of just one person. 

Whichever role best fits your needs, it is important to make sure all job duties are clearly decided on before a caregiver is even hired.  It also important to note that while all of these jobs include some kind of tidying up, caregivers should never be expected to deep clean the home.  Anyone you bring into your home to fulfill the above roles is there to help support your family.

A Trip to Urban Air

Texas weather is always a fun guessing game!  Are we baking cookies in our hot car or are we counting how long thunder comes after lightning?  Sometimes a good, old fashioned indoor play place helps take the pressure off worrying about our hourly changing weather.  I grabbed the 8-year-old and the 5-year-old and we took a trip to Urban Air in Cedar Park!

Austin has a lot of amazing and unique indoor play areas for kids.  Because of that, places like Urban Air can be a little lackluster.  The kids have a blast jumping, running, and screaming.  But as an adult, you notice the duck tap holding equipment together, or the large bucket catching fluid from the dripping pipe in the ceiling. 

We arrived at Urban Air at opening on a Sunday.  The price to play is a little high at $20/person for children over five.  We also had to purchase their special socks which cost around $2/pair.  While children under five are allowed, there is not much for them to do at Urban Air.  All the climbing structures are a bit too big.  They could enjoy themselves on the trampolines, but with how many big kids are running and jumping at full speed, it isn’t the safest for the little ones. 

Once we had our socks, we began to scope out the place!  There is a giant rock wall the kids had zero interest in climbing.  But it looked like a lot of fun and they were very good at keeping the line moving for kids waiting to climb.  There is also a large ropes course and a zipline.  They, of course, cost extra and the kids had no interest in riding on those either.  This did result in me constantly getting scared every time a child on the zipline flew over my head.  I kept thinking a child was falling off the play structure!

Then we found the huge ball pit!  In the center of Urban Air is a large ball pit filled with obstacle courses.  The kids were hooked and had a blast jumping in the balls, swinging from the rings, and pretending to drown so that I could pull them out and save them.

The main even of course is the trampolines!  And I will give credit where credit is due, the kids have a blast on the trampolines!  The kids jumped, flipped, bounced off the pads, and ran up the trampoline ramps.  They have a trampoline in front of a basketball hoop for dunking.  There is a trampoline dodgeball area, and a trampoline that allows you to launch into a big, inflatable pad.  There is a reason Urban Air is so popular, and the reason is the trampolines!

After an hour of “watch me” in the trampoline area, we went in search of snacks and a bathroom.  The snack area is pretty small and very basic.  They have candy, chips, and slushies.  No outside food or drink is allowed so you have to make due with what they have behind the counter.  One very important thing Urban Air has that you don’t find elsewhere is alcoholic beverages!  We restocked on sugar, I lectured myself on why it is irresponsible to drink while supervising children, and went back out to play!

As the morning continued, the place got more and more crowded.  There were about four birthday parties happening all at once.  This would be a great spot for a birthday party for the elementary school kids!  But the crowding can make it a little tough to keep an eye on your kids.  Urban Air is set up in such a way, that if you sit in the café area you cannot see your kids on anything accept the trampoline directly in front of the café.  There are a few benches surrounding the various play areas.  But between the massive amount of kids and the layout, it is really tough to keep an eye on everyone.  Your better off camping out at a meeting spot.

I told the kids to keep playing until they got hungry for lunch.  We left at lunchtime, and the kids were tired and hungry.  Overall, it was a fun day.  We enjoyed our time at Urban Air and the kids were able to burn off some energy.  It wasn’t our favorite place to visit in Austin.  There are other indoor play areas I would probably pick before Urban Air.  But it got the job done.  Tired kids and a break for the adults!

A Trip to Rock ‘N River Water Park

It is hot as Hades these days in Central Texas! With lifeguard shortages and high prices, it has been a little tougher this summer to stay cool.  Since I have never taken the kids to a water park, and after checking the absurd pricing at several other water parks in the area, we decided on Rock ‘N River Water Park!

The water park is located in Old Settler’s Park.  It was pretty easy to find with the GPS.  We went during a weekday and were able to park very easily.  I imagine on the weekends it can get a little more complicated to find parking.  Even on a Friday there was a line to get into the water park.

The water park itself was exactly what you would want for the ten and under age group!  The eight-year-old was able to do almost every single waterslide, and the five-year-old was able to do the majority of the water slides.  There are two large baby pools, one has a large shaded canopy over it.  There is a large splash pad area with a climbing structure, slides, and a huge spilling bucket!  There are two separate pools near the back that have a basketball hoop and a swim up snack bar!  And of course, there is a lazy river!

Because we were lucky enough to go on a weekday, we were able to find two nice chairs under an umbrella.  There are a lot of beautiful seating areas.  They have cabanas, loungers, pavilions, and umbrellas but unfortunately, they have to be rented.  Once all the rental spaces are gone, there aren’t a lot of places to sit in the shade.  There is a large grassy area with several trees.  But if you don’t plan on renting a seating area, your best bet is to bring your own picnic blanket.  If we are ever to go back on a busy weekend, renting a seating area is a must!

Once we had saved our seats, the kids were able to run wild!  It can be hard to keep track of the kids, but the water park is small enough it is easy to find them.  Despite the shortage, there were a lot of lifeguards and I felt like the kids were being watched.  The only area that was cause for concern was the lazy river.  It is very small, but between all the tubes, the people, and how fast the lazy river moves, I would only have child in their unsupervised if they are able to stand with their heads above the water.  I can very easily see a little one getting stuck underneath the water and not being seen. 

There are big bathrooms on either side of the park including several family bathrooms.  The bathrooms are your standard pool bathrooms.  There is a really cool swim up snack bar!  I’d recommend bringing some quarters for kids to get snacks.  A credit card or cash in that area would be asking for disaster.  There are several food trucks also available.  We decided to bring in some Chik-Fil-A for ourselves, but we did enjoy some snow cones before we left!

The kids had a blast!  My favorite thing about water parks are how tired kids are at the end of the day.  They climbed, slid, splashed and swam around until they were completely pooped!  We really enjoyed the whole day!  If there is one negative thing about the water park it is the noise!  Not only is there the noise of splashing water and screaming children, but they play music over loud speakers.  It is impossible for the kids to hear you unless they are standing next to you. Make sure you have a good meeting spot!    

I cannot recommend this water park enough.  It is perfect for the younger crowd.  We did see some teenagers and middle schoolers there as well.  They looked like they were having a really fun time, but this place is tailored to the younger kids!  Book a cabana, grab some coins, the sunscreen and enjoy!

Summer on the Cheap

Summer is here!  We all made it through another school year and another year of uncertainty.  It is time to have some fun!  Luckily in central Texas, there are so many cheap and fun ways to keep your kids entertained for the summer.


For all the movie lovers there are so many fun options.  Many of our cities offer movies in the park on Friday nights, movies in the pool if you need to cool off, and of course Alamo’s Kids Camp that allows you to see movies for only a few bucks!


There are always a lot of outdoor concerts this time of year!  To fully enjoy the experience without feeling like your melting into a pile a goo, here are some good things to keep in mind when attending these concerts. 

Pack a picnic with all the snacks and food!  If you are going to bring cold items, freeze them before you head to the outdoor show.  Of course, don’t forget to bring lots and lots of water! 

Bring another activity to the show like bubbles or a football.  Sitting and waiting for things to start, has never been a child’s strong suit.  Make sure you always know where the bathrooms are, and have a meeting spot in case the kiddos get lost in the crowd. 

Story Times and Summer Reading

Every library in central Texas has weekly story times as well as crafts to do during.  It is a great activity to head to the library once a week, and check out books for your kids’ summer reading.  There are a ton of great summer reading incentives through HEB, Pizza Hut or create your own reading chart for your kids!

It really is amazing all the things local libraries plan for kids over the summer. See what is going on in Round Rock, Georgetown, Cedar Park, Leander and Austin!

Splash pads

The number of pools and splash pads around the central Texas area is amazing.  Because of the lifeguard shortage, many of the pools are limiting their hours.  Splash pads do not require lifeguards and are on most hours of the day. 

When visiting a pool or a splash pad it is always a good idea to have kids wear water shoes or crocs.  Splash pads are pretty good at keeping the area clean, but it only takes one stray rock to ruin the day.

Crafting and Baking

After quarantine I am sure most of us feel like we have done every craft there is to do!  But there are always more craft activities to keep your kids busy.  Check out this great website, or enjoy scrolling through Pinterest for easy crafts and baking projects. 

Make a day of it by going to a craft store or a grocery store, have the kids get all the things they need for their project, and then go home and do the project!

Hitting Milestones

Summer is the perfect time to work on important milestones for kids.  Stay inside during the hot afternoons and work on potty training.  With more time in the morning, you can get the kids used a to a morning routine that includes more chores like making their bed or making their own breakfast. 

If your child is interested in playing a sport in the fall, summer is the perfect time to spend time and practice swimming, basketball, playing catch or any other activity your child may want to improve.  One of the first things I worked on with my nanny kids during quarantine was helping them learn how to ride their bikes! 

Embrace Boredom

There are only so many hours in the day that we can fill with activities.  It may seem like you have to fill up every single second to keep your kids busy, and get them tired at the end of the day.  But boredom can be a very helpful thing for kids. 

It helps encourage creativity as well as time management.  Don’t be afraid to tell your kids that you need to take care of something and they need to think of something to do on their own. Let kids know it’s okay if they have nothing to do.  Sometimes enjoying the quiet without screen time can be refreshing for a young mind.

We wish everyone a happy and safe summer!

Earth Day with Kids

Today is Earth Day!  Every year we remember the ways we can help make our planet a greener and more beautiful place to live!  One of the greatest things about Earth Day is that it is very easy to get kids involved.  There are so many wonderful ways kids can learn to take care of the planet and make our Earth a little better and brighter.

Start a Garden
After quarantine, most of us probably have a garden we planted to help avoid cabin fever!  While the internet is littered with DIY garden projects, you and your children can actually make a simple garden with some dirt, seeds, and pots!  Head to Lowes or Home Depot and let the kids pick out what seeds they’d like to plant.  Make it their job to water the plants every morning.  You can also paint the pots and make a whole project out of it!

Park Clean Up
We have so many beautiful parks in central Texas and many great park clean up projects.  But even without an officially project, heading to the local park to pick up trash is a great activity!  Get your kids a fun grabber and a trash bag and make it a contest!

Meatless Mondays
How do pancakes for breakfast, Peanut butter and Jelly for lunch and mac and cheese for dinner sound?  It sounds vegetarian and kids friendly to me!  Eating fewer meat products can help reduce greenhouse gases.  While many of us love Whataburger way too much to go full vegetarian, Meatless Mondays can be a fun alternative to limit animal consumption and experiment with healthy meals for the kids!

Bird Feeder
There are so many different ways to make birdfeeders.  You can go simple with a pine cone or an apple and some peanut butter.  You can get some popsicle sticks or even be more advance and try a beginner bird house! 

Visit Farms and Farmers Markets
Central Texas has so many wonderful working farms to visit.  Many of them also allow you to pick fresh fruits and vegetables to bring home.  The farmers’ markets around central Texas are also a great activity to do with kids.  Supporting our local famers is a great way to help the planet and teach kids about where their food is from.

Camping and Hiking
Getting out in nature is a wonderful way to appreciate the beauty the Earth has to offer.  Check out the many great camping spots nearby. While Texas weather is unpredictable, now is one of the best times to get out of the house and spend a night under the stars! Many of the camping spots in central Texas offer great fishing, swimming and hiking. Your kids will have to work really hard to muster up an “I’m bored” in some of these camping spots! 

Earth Day Films and Shows
I could probably write an entire blog post featuring all the amazing movies and TV shows that talk about Earth Day! Disney Plus even has an entire section of their streaming service dedicated to all their movies about the planet! There is so much great content out there for your kids to enjoy and learn from.

A Trip to Monster Mini Golf

We needed an activity to get us out of the house without having to worry about what mood the Texas weather was in that day.  Monster mini golf is an indoor, glow in the dark mini golf course with an arcade and laser tag room.  I grabbed the five-year-old and the eight-year-old, and with zero expectations or planning, we went to minigolf! 

The location itself is fairly easy to find, but it is in a long business strip center, and it can be easy to zoom by and realized you missed it.  But GPS liked us that day and we found it with no issues. 

The inside is really cool.  The whole place is dark, but wonderfully lit up with black lights and murals of some of our favorite Austin celebrities!  We started with laser tag since there was a wait for mini golf.  Laser tag was a blast!  It is a fairly small room, so it wouldn’t work for huge groups.  But there was enough room for the three of us to run around and try and get each other.  They have vests for everyone to put on with the laser guns attached.  The vest was too heavy for the five-year-old, so she just ended up being on my team, and we hunted down the eight-year-old together.

Finally, after laser tag, we were able to start mini golf.  They are really good at spreading people out, but you still feel a bit like you are rushing through the course so you don’t hold up the line.  I kind of wish they had let us make it through a couple holes before allowing the people to follow behind us.  Mini golf is designed to be frustrating.  Combine that with kids (and sometimes adults) who can’t control their emotions, and mini golf can turn sour real fast.

Mini golfing itself was very fun.  You get to pick a glow in the dark golf ball!  There are creepy statues and haunted looking objects all over the course.  It’s another reason why I wish we hadn’t felt so rushed, because it is fun to look at everything around the course.  We finished the whole course in about 45 minutes.  If we weren’t getting close to our meltdown time, I bet it would’ve taken an hour.

There are a few arcade games at the front of the course.  They are your basic arcade games.  And while there is a good amount, it’s not like going to Pinballz or Dave and Busters where they just have rows and rows of games.  They even have some prizes at the front like they do in arcades.  But you should consider the arcade games and prizes to be a side dish and not the main course. 

It was a great little outing.  But we only spent an hour and a half there.  We probably would’ve spent more time if we had played arcade games and took our time on the mini golf course.  But in reality, this place isn’t an all day or even a half day activity. 

In terms of food and drink, they have some basic snacks for sale at the front counter.  But the only tables available are in private rooms for birthday parties.  This wouldn’t be the type of place where you would pack a lunch and spend the day.  It would be the perfect place for a birthday party!  Grab a group of 10-year-olds and cross your fingers they don’t decide to sword fight with the golf clubs.  This location also offers date night packages, which would be a really fun idea!  Leave your kiddos with a sitter from Wilco Nannies, and go enjoy celebrity zombies in the dark!

Rock Rose Scavenger Hunt

Get outside this weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather, before Texas remembers it’s winter time. Rock Rose is a great street in the Domain. There are lots of fun shops to explore and some great restaurants to take kids. While you are exploring, take this scavenger hunt along and see if you can find everything on Rock Rose!

Level Easy

  • Someone walking a dog
  • Someone wearing a hat
  • Red flowers
  • Shoes in a window
  • Someone pushing a stroller
  • A cross walk sign
  • Ice cream
  • A playground
  • A cookbook

Level Medium

  • A ping pong table
  • A birthday card
  • A book about superheroes
  • Austin FC logo
  • Three mannequins in one window
  • A “now hiring” sign
  • Candy bigger than your hand
  • An indoor tree

Level Hard

  • A bear
  • Three murals
  • Four barrels
  • Red umbrellas
  • A water bowl for dogs
  • A white tree
  • A red car, blue car, and yellow car